A bold, bright tribute to a loved one, this rainbow of blooms fills the room with the spirit of hope and joy.
This spray features hot pink roses, yellow roses, orange spray roses, pink asiatic lilies, green gladioli, green carnations, medium yellow sunflowers, blue delphinium, bupleurum, myrtle, sword fern, silver dollar eucalyptus, and lemon leaf.
Standard: The bouquet will be approximately as shown in the picture, and it will be made of the freshest and finest flowers.
Deluxe: To increase the visual impact and overall appeal, additional flowers will be included in the bouquet.
Premium: To cater to the most sophisticated tastes, extra blooms and greenery will be added to the bouquet to enhance its appearance and make it even more visually striking.
We carefully craft each arrangement using only the freshest flowers available, therefore, the colors, types and container may change according to the season and local supply. The flowers may arrive in different stages of development and will continue to bloom over the next 2-3 days, providing a prolonged life of the arrangement and a prolonged enjoyment for your recipient.
Substitution of certain flowers or containers may be required due to availability issues, but we will try our best to keep the overall aesthetic of your chosen arrangement.
Phone: 770-579-2342
Email: info@flowersofmarietta.com